Are you ready to RELEASE

Past Trauma and PTSD from Your Life??

How IEMT  Can Help You Take Back Control of Your Life


Break Free from Trauma and PTSD with Integral Eye Movement Technique (IEMT)

 Past Trauma and PTSD are not a life sentence and do not have to run or ruin your present and future.  IEMT is an eye movement and questioning technique designed to free clients from Trauma without the need to TALK about the trauma, or re-traumatize the client. It is highly effective, and often takes just a few sessions.   Step into your best life TODAY!!

Melissa is the best!!! The tools and techniques she teaches has transformed my life. She is so caring and helpful and has helped me through some major life changes, both personally and professionally. I highly recommend Melissa, I believe anyone and everyone would benefit working with her.
-  Dannielle

I went to Melissa to overcome Social Anxiety and become more confident as a musician.  As a result of working with Melissa, I now am much more relaxed in social settings.  My relationship and communication with my wife have improved, and I find I am able to perform with more confidence. I even had a recent interview where for the first time I found myself feeling completely confident and relaxed.

 David A., Nurse/Musician 

After working with Melissa to overcome sadness, depression, and anxiety, I now feel confident and excited about my future. My stress levels and anxiety are at an all-time low. This worked really well! I feel really good about myself and confident about my ability to take on difficult tasks.  It worked rapidly and I enjoyed the recording.  It's crazy how effective this is. You wake up one day and you are thinking completely differently.  I highly recommend this. Give it a shot!!!

- Kerry, 16 years old

I feel much more free, relaxed, and confident, and my kids, including my special needs child, have benefitted -making incredible progress academically and socially, just because I am more relaxed and confident as a mom. My boss has noticed how much more confident, relaxed, and effective I am. Very effective- definitely recommend working with Melissa!

 Lis M, 42 years old 


"I had anxiety surrounding my health and the thoughts wouldn't go away, preventing me from sleeping and productively doing my schoolwork.

Now I really don't think about it at all!

I feel a lot more free, because I'm living my life without any worries, and I can really focus on the good and enjoy things more.

I know that I can handle anything.

I'm not nervous about getting sick, or anything related to my health.

I had a lot of anxiety and panic attacks about flying.

Now I can easily get on a plane and enjoy the flight.

I'm really excited because now I know that I can handle anything and now everything's really positive.

I'm pretty much free of all my anxiety."

- B.D. Sophomore, University of Miami


Yes, It Really Is Possible! 

You CAN be free of Debilitating Trauma For LIFE 

Schedule A Conversation Call Now to Find Out How

If you are like many of the successful people I work with, you've tried countless ways to overcome past trauma, only to end up feeling frustrated, thinking you have an answer, only to find out it doesn’t work.

It can feel like everything is working against you, when you have been dealing with the limitations of trauma for so long and you need help NOW, not six months from now!

When a methods fails, many people feel like THEY have failed,  leading to more suffering.


 When my clients clear past trauma from their system,  all the powerlessness, overwhelm, self doubt and physical symptoms they were also experiencing tend to disappear as well

You CAN be free of trauma.

You DESERVE to be free.

And I can help you.

Here’s what to do next:

This Is A Process That Begins With a Conversation

With You and Me.

You will learn:

  • How removing anxiety will lead to a fullfilling, happy and balanced life
  • Why my program removes anxiety rapidly and permanently.
  • Pricing and scheduling options that work for YOU.
I'm Ready!!
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."-- Lao Tzu